Business Student Learns Valuable Leadership Skills

Bryan Betancourt shares how his experiences at UMKC and in business are shaping him
Bryan Betancourt sitting in the lounge area of the Student Union

Our ongoing story starts with people from around the world, converging here at UMKC. Get to know our people and you’ll know what UMKC is all about.

Bryan Betancourt ’20            
Academic program: Bachelor of Business Administration - Finance, Henry W. Bloch School of Management
Hometown: Raytown, Missouri        


The Bloch School has produced talented professionals and continues to do so by supporting students with great resources. I also chose UMKC because of its diverse campus and sense of culture. I feel welcomed because UMKC creates a sense of community.

What’s it like being in the Bloch business program?

The greatest benefit of being a business student at UMKC is the professors. UMKC has business professors who are masters in their field because of their deep knowledge and experience. Bloch professors understand students and work with us to ensure we stay on track.

The Bloch school has inspired me to dream big and pursue an MBA. I enjoy my time at the Bloch school and feel special when I walk inside the buildings because I am privileged to go to a great university that has great resources! I know I will come out of business school ready to tackle the workforce. I have connected with many professionals through the school and have gained knowledge through those connections.

Bryan Betancourt smiling

What extracurricular activities are you involved in at UMKC?

I am currently the treasurer for the Association of Latin American Students, and we partnered with a local scholarship provider, the Hispanic Development Fund, to financially aid Latinx UMKC DACA students by fundraising more than $8,500. We try to be a familia, or family, for students and help each other. We are proud of what we have done for our UMKC community and look forward to contributing more.

"UMKC has business professors who are masters in their field because of their deep knowledge and experience."

Bryan Betancourt

What internships or professional experiences have you had while at UMKC?

I had an internship at Sporting Kansas City as their event marketing ambassador. I experienced how the sports industry works internally, I gained professional office skills, and I learned how the company values their office staff. I expressed my productivity and showed how UMKC grows upcoming professionals.

What are your lifelong goals?

I want to be a leader and a manager. I plan on using my leadership qualities I have gained to continue to learn and become a future leader in an office setting. UMKC has taught me to value staff and respect everyone equally. I live by the golden rule: treat others as you want to be treated.

Learn more about Henry W. Bloch School of Management

Published: Jan 25, 2019

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